9th – 15th September 2024 with promotional activity taking place throughout the month.
Join the campaign partnership and you’ll be part of a major collaboration to reach more people across Wales with information, advice and opportunities to have a go at learning something new:
Adult Learners’ Week is an annual campaign coordinated in partnership with the Welsh Government. It’s a united effort to spread the message about lifelong learning we want to inspire people to seek advice and guidance on the opportunities available to them to upskill, to improve their confidence and wellbeing, to flourish in their careers and develop a love for learning throughout life.
Each year we work with a range of partners to plan and deliver a variety of online and in-person taster sessions, short courses, open days, information and advice, and special events to celebrate adult learning.
To make 2024 even more successful, we need your support to promote lifelong learning opportunities.
Join our network of partners
Together we can create increased visibility and momentum for lifelong learning in Wales and inspire more adults to move forward and build a better future.
We want to work with you to:
- Promote your provision and engage with new and existing audiences by offering opportunities to learn
- Connect people in Wales to get support with health & wellbeing, learning and employment opportunities
- Be part of the Wales-wide campaign partnership that advocates lifelong learning
- Share positive stories that will inspire others to explore and participate in adult learning opportunities
How to get involved:

Plan and deliver online or in-person tasters, outreach activity, courses and special events. Upload them to our campaign website and they will be promoted as part of Welsh Government’s multi-media and communications activity. Have a look at the existing content that has been uploaded to the calendar.

Celebrate the extraordinary achievements of people who have accessed your provision; highlight the benefits of learning and how it has transformed their lives. Sharing success stories will give other people the confidence to discover the life-changing impact of adult learning.

Adult Learners’ Week is a great opportunity to signpost your information, advice and guidance. Promote your new and existing learning provision for adults and pathways available for them to re-train, upskill, build social connections and support health and wellbeing. Share the campaign information with your learners, hubs, community groups, staff and wider networks.

Join the conversation on social media to promote and raise awareness of Adult Learners’ Week. Follow us on social media and tag us in your campaign activity using the handles and tags: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn #neverstoplearning and #adultlearnersweek.

Raise the profile of adult learning and highlight what more could be done to widen access to learning and skills for adults. Share your policy and research, launch a publication or write an article piece on the priorities and the building blocks needed to make Wales a nation of second chances – what are the exisiting barriers and equally, what are the successes?

Word of mouth is a powerful tool and catalyst for many people who are looking for a new direction and pathway in life. Work with your learning advocates to organise an event in your community or focus on learner voice activity to inspire other people to take the first step.
L&W can support you with the following:
- Setting up a provider account on the Adult Learners’ Week website
- Promoting your activities for free through our online events calendar including the Working Wales website as part of Welsh Government’s multi-media campaign
- Provide your organisation with an Adult Learners’ Week campaign toolkit
- Promoting your Adult Learners’ Week activity through Learning and Work Institute channels
- Cross-promotional activity for Adult Learners’ Week
Download our campaign toolkit to get involved
How to register your campaign activity:
If you have previously delivered a programme for Adult Learners’ Week and already have an account please login to register your events, you can check our providers page to see if you have an account with us.
If you are new to Adult Learners’ Week, please download and complete our campaign form and return it to Learning and Work Institute by email:
If you would like further information about the campaign or if you need assistance with your account, please contact us:
What Adult Learners’ Week participants are saying…
“Adult Learners’ Week has always been a way to show our solidarity with and participation in the wider adult learning community in Wales and beyond. Our work is about engaging and re-engaging working people to develop their skills for work, but also their wider knowledge and love of learning. It’s always given UNISON the opportunity to play its part in the lifelong learning community.”
Providers testimonials 1
“Absolutely get on board. Not only is it lots of fun, but it also brings a whole wealth of different experiences into your organisation on all kinds of levels. You’ll be able to play a part in developing people and enriching their lives and feel satisfied as an organisation that you’ve provided the first rung on the ladder. It’s all very positive.”
Providers testimonials 2
“We thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to engage with ALW for the first time, to enhance our links to the wider community and develop further content to support our coaching family. We loved the chance to engage with both online and practical opportunities.”
Providers testimonials 3
“The Unite WULF team would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who helped make our Adult Learners’ Week celebrations a success, including our tutors, learners and everyone who helped to spread the word. Over 400 learners joined our activities! Absolutely amazing – this time last year we were struggling to get them to complete an online register. Now they are delivering classes on-line.”
Providers testimonials 4
“We would definitely like to take part again as the event was a huge success and learners really enjoyed visiting the new centre, trying out some new courses and meeting tutors. This has given them the confidence to take part in courses and we have already had a few learners from the day signing up to ACL funded courses.”