Community Music Wales
Community Music Wales is Wales’s leading music charity. We are a community arts organisation with over 25 years experience of delivering high quality arts activity, touching the lives of over 50,000 people since its inception.
Our fundamental aim is to contribute to the empowerment of disadvantaged groups and individuals through enabling them to participate in creativity and learning, initially and primarily through music making. We develop participatory music workshops, mentoring schemes and community music training across Wales. We work strategically to identify need, delivering projects to give people the opportunity to write, play, record or perform their own music, using trained and experienced community arts practitioners.
We believe strongly in working in partnership. As a charity we fundraise for individual projects, and depend on grants and donations. We can also be commissioned to manage and deliver specialised activity.
CMW’s fundamental aim is to contribute to the empowerment of disadvantaged groups and individuals through enabling them to participate in creativity and learning, initially and primarily through participation in music making.
We do this through:
- Participatory music activities which give people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities the opportunity to make music
- Providing accredited training and professional development for Community Music Tutors
- Helping other organisations through advice and support to ensure Wales has a network of high quality community music delivery
- Working internationally as an advocate of community music and to share best practice.
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