Unite the Union
The Unite Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) Project is funded by Welsh Government.
The purpose of the fund is to help people living and working in unionised workplaces in Wales access support, advice and funding for vocational training and personal development.
Unite WULF covers all of Wales and most sectors where there are Unite members and has helped thousands of workers and union members to upskill and be job ready.
We organise a broad range of training including Health & Safety, Mental Health and Wellbeing, literacy. numeracy and digital skills training, and any qualifications that will help you to progress within your work and career.
The Project can signpost to a wide range of online courses that are fully funded or discounted and also takes applications for funding bursaries up to £200 per person.
The funding is available to union and non union members alike as long as you live in Wales, if you want to know more please contact us directly at learnwithunite.wulf@unitetheunion.org
Contact Information
- Telephone: 07768931284
Unite the Union