How to build confidence to support your learning journey
RCS Wales

This session is being delivered as part of Adult Learners Week 2024.
RCS delivers personalised support, training and therapies to help people and businesses across Wales to find sustained employment and improve their wellbeing for work. RCS is an award-winning not-for-profit company; we pride ourselves on delivering quality services that transform thousands of lives every year.
The session will be delivered via Teams on Thursday 12th of September 2pm – 3:30pm.
The session will cover:
· What is confidence, self-esteem, motivation and self-belief and why you need it.
· The impact of confidence and motivation in learning, work and life and the difference this can make.
· Things that influence self-confidence, for example, past experience, feedback from others and self-talk.
· Tips and techniques on how to boost self-esteem and confidence.
You will also be given advice on how to write a simple action plan for building self-belief and confidence to help you achieve any goals you have. The goal may be to continue with your learning, sign up for a new programme of learning, or boost your prospects of find working or a new job.
Places are limited, so book early.
Once your place has been confirmed, you will be sent a link to the session at least three days before.
- Date: 12th September 2024 
- Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm
- Region: All Wales
- Telephone: 01745 336442