What is #techmums?
#techmums was relaunched in 2018 by Tech Evangelist Prof Sue Black OBE.
#techmums runs programs and initiatives designed to support mothers becoming more familiar, confident, and excited about the use of technology
in their personal, professional, and parenting lives.
#techmums vision is to reach a million mums and ignite potential in not only mums, but their families, and their communities.
#techmums trains women in key areas including: Tech Skills, The Cloud, Digital Safety, and Coding to allow them to enter a new career path and gain confidence regarding returning to employment or setting up their own businesses.
Evaluations of #techmums programmes have found that not only do graduates evidence increased confidence in their ability to use technology, there is also significant increase in their overall confidence and aspirations for their own and their family’s futures.
#techmumsTV and #techmums were both featured in Forbes and The Financial Times.
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